Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Our Two Feisty Fellas

The boys aren't even here yet and we can already tell they have some very, very strong personalities.  There have been many a doctor appointment where it’s exclaimed “My you sure do have some movers!  I can’t get a good measurement until they quiet down.”  So we would wait and watch and I chuckled as little arms and legs flailed everywhere thinking nothing of it. But last week our 8 day stay at the hospital shed a bit of a new light on what our future may hold.

When expecting moms are in the hospital (or at least in our case), the baby’s heart rate is monitored continuously or at least very frequently.  In a typical patient, the heart rate is found and then a monitor is strapped to mom to keep an eye on baby.  For us, that lasted about 10 minutes.  The first go round took the nurse about 20 minutes to track down both boys.  Once found, she strapped on the monitors and left the room only to come racing back in about 5 minutes later.  The boys, with their hatred of the monitors, had kicked and squirmed their way away from getting tracked and were setting off alarms left and right at the nurses’ station.  Whoops. I assured her both were fine since I could feel them having a grand ol’ time.  But that put an end to continuous monitoring.

The following night around 3:30am, the nurses were having yet another difficult time tracking our munchkins.  Nick was asleep and I was about ¾ out of it because of the cocktail of meds I was on to stop the contractions.  But at one point, and I made sure to confirm the next morning, there were four nurses and a resident trying to get our fellas to cooperate.  They even had to bring in a sonogram machine!    

There has also been one thing consistent.  Almost every friend, nurse or doctor that hears or sees our active guys tells us “You know, their personalities before birth carry over.”  Mind you that is still to be determined but I have a feeling we won’t get bored with our two.  And I guess it’s a good thing I have my sister Ellen to talk to about parenting a spirited child.  Our nephew Jackson is the kind of kid you have to remind to walk instead of run.  Everywhere.  But we sure do love that little guy.  I can already hear a common phrase in our house being “BOYS! What was that crash???” followed by some mischievous giggles.

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