Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Our Two Feisty Fellas

The boys aren't even here yet and we can already tell they have some very, very strong personalities.  There have been many a doctor appointment where it’s exclaimed “My you sure do have some movers!  I can’t get a good measurement until they quiet down.”  So we would wait and watch and I chuckled as little arms and legs flailed everywhere thinking nothing of it. But last week our 8 day stay at the hospital shed a bit of a new light on what our future may hold.

When expecting moms are in the hospital (or at least in our case), the baby’s heart rate is monitored continuously or at least very frequently.  In a typical patient, the heart rate is found and then a monitor is strapped to mom to keep an eye on baby.  For us, that lasted about 10 minutes.  The first go round took the nurse about 20 minutes to track down both boys.  Once found, she strapped on the monitors and left the room only to come racing back in about 5 minutes later.  The boys, with their hatred of the monitors, had kicked and squirmed their way away from getting tracked and were setting off alarms left and right at the nurses’ station.  Whoops. I assured her both were fine since I could feel them having a grand ol’ time.  But that put an end to continuous monitoring.

The following night around 3:30am, the nurses were having yet another difficult time tracking our munchkins.  Nick was asleep and I was about ¾ out of it because of the cocktail of meds I was on to stop the contractions.  But at one point, and I made sure to confirm the next morning, there were four nurses and a resident trying to get our fellas to cooperate.  They even had to bring in a sonogram machine!    

There has also been one thing consistent.  Almost every friend, nurse or doctor that hears or sees our active guys tells us “You know, their personalities before birth carry over.”  Mind you that is still to be determined but I have a feeling we won’t get bored with our two.  And I guess it’s a good thing I have my sister Ellen to talk to about parenting a spirited child.  Our nephew Jackson is the kind of kid you have to remind to walk instead of run.  Everywhere.  But we sure do love that little guy.  I can already hear a common phrase in our house being “BOYS! What was that crash???” followed by some mischievous giggles.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm Being Stalked

You know how when you buy a new car you notice just how many cars exactly like yours are on the roads? Or when you think you are being trendy with a new fashion and it seems as though everyone else is all of a sudden wearing the exact same thing?  Well, that’s my life right now.  Except that I’m being stalked. By twins.

Before we knew we were expecting our little guys, I swear we knew maybe two or three sets of twins.  I never saw them in public and if I did, I silently thought to myself “Good lord that double stroller is huge.  Can’t they downsize to something that doesn't take up the entire aisle at Target?”  Oh karma, you really think you’re clever.  Well now, I swear twins are everywhere.  I mean EV-ER-Y-WH-ER-E!!! We see them when we’re out at breakfast, during tv commercials and plastered all over Facebook.

In fact, last weekend while we were waiting to check out at the grocery store I turned around to see twin boys in the cart behind us with their mom.  I mentioned how darling they were and asked their age.  She said “Twenty months.  Though they came two months early because this one had a mind of his own and was kicking so hard that he broke my water.”  Wait…whaaaat!?  That can actually happen?  (Side note: I’m screwed.  I have two little soccer players.)

I will say though, meeting other twin parents has actually been kind of nice.  I had heard that parents of multiples kind of stick together and boy were they right.  Every single person we've met has offered us tips and words of wisdom.  They've also told us we will lose our minds for the first year but after that, it’s really great.  Ok maybe not the most helpful thing to say to new parents.  But, we've also been told of great play groups, consignment sales and one person even offered to give us the name of her night nurse.  Really, it’s incredible.

I will be curious to see what it’s like when the kiddos actually arrive.  Will we get more unsolicited advice from strangers?  Will we be able to pick out those young couples who just wish we would get out of their way with our massive stroller? Will even more twins come out of the woodwork?  Who knows.  I guess we will wait and see.  And as their arrival time draws nearer, I think about this stuff more and more. 

Oh and for those who have asked, I still haven’t had a random person ask or try to touch my belly.  I’m guessing that is also just a matter of time. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

"But Twins Don't Run in My Family"

If you have ever wondered how the conversation would go (or what brainless things you might say) when the news was told to expecting and completely clueless parents that they were having twins, well, here you go:

Dr: Ok. Ok. (turning the monitor towards us) So, here you can see…

Nick: Wait…is that

Dr: Here you can see the first baby…

Me: Uh….First baby?

Dr: And here you can see the second baby…

Me: But twins don’t run in my family!

Dr: Um…ok…well…you’re still having twins. 

Nick: Oh my god.


Dr: And here is the first heartbeat. Everything looks great so far.

Me: ……..

Dr: Ok. Breathe. 

Me: *Oh right…*

Dr: Good. And…deep breathe. Good. It’s going to be ok.

Me: …….

Dr: And here is the second heartbeat.

Nick: ……

Dr: So everything looks great.  Obviously this is big news so I’m going to give you two a few minutes alone to digest this. Come down to my office when you’re ready and we’ll chat.

Nick: …...

Me: …….K…..

The rest of that day was kind of a blur.  Nick held my hand on the way home and repeatedly told me everything was going fine and that we would be great parents.  I sat there staring at the ultrasound photos trying but failing miserably not to cry.  To clarify, they weren't tears of sadness.  How could you be sad about two healthy babies!?  They were more tears of excitement, joy, shock and probably throw in some ‘Oh sh!t how are we going to do this/pay for this/can I carry twins.’ 

Nick met me at the door when I got home from work that night and gave me a big hug, reassuring me again that everything was going to be fine. I don’t remember what we ate for dinner or what we discussed at the table.  Though there is a good probability it was nothing…to both. 

It’s funny to think back now and recall some of the conversations Nick and I had before the first appointment.  I remember saying to each other “ Wouldn't it be funny if we were having twins?” or “Could you imagine if we went in and the doctor told us there were two?”  Perhaps deep down both of us knew we were having twins.  I have no idea.  But I kind of want to believe we did.  Now when I look back on the day we found out and imagine what our family will be like next year, I can’t help but think well of course we were supposed to have twins.  While it did take me a few weeks for the news to settle in, the thought of anything other than us preparing for two little ones just doesn't seem right.  

When Nick and I broke the news to family and friends that we are expecting twins, I can’t tell you how many people asked us if we were surprised.  All I can say is this:  I wouldn't have been more surprised if I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet. 

Extra points if you can name that movie.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Election Night in DC

Sporting an “I Voted” sticker in DC on election night is like wearing a VIP wristband at a hoppin’ club in LA.  (Or whatever you wear/flash for those of us that aren’t cool enough to do so.) That tiny little circle gets you into bars without paying a cover fee, discounted food around town, free swag and a whole other host of privileges.  Clearly it’s the cool thing to do. 

This year’s presidential election night was no different.  My friends and coworkers around town waited in hours-long lines to vote, poured over early polls all afternoon in the office and then headed out to enjoy half priced specialty cocktails for the political party of their choice.  One coworker, who absentee voted in their home state, even begged for my sticker as we were walking out the door since he didn’t save his.  I’m telling you…these things are like gold. And yes, I gave it to him.

Since coming to Washington I’ve spent election night in Florida where I was campaigning for the RNC, bars to take in the action with fellow young professionals, at a campaign event for McCain and I’m pretty sure my sister’s house enjoying take out and wine.  But this year I decided it was time to enjoy something a little quieter. 

I sent a text to Nick early afternoon on Election Day and suggested a delicious Pizza Hut pizza for dinner.  He agreed.  I had a grand plan to leave work, go to my yoga class and come home to watch the results with pizza, a fire and my sweat pants.  In the end I wound up napping through yoga and dinner (whoops) and was woken up by Nick at 9:30pm to watch some of the results.  We made a frozen pizza and I was back in bed two hours later after the election was called and I saw the Congressman from my home district in Illinois lost.  This year’s election night may be categorized by some as a bust.  And in some ways it was. 

But when I decided I was ready for bed on Tuesday night, I crawled into bed.  I didn’t have to worry about the metro taking forever or finding a cab.  I didn’t have to worry about sitting around a crowded bar in my cute but sometimes oh-so-uncomfortable work clothes.  And I didn’t have to worry about absentmindedly drinking too many half priced cocktails full well knowing I was going to have one hell of a hangover the next day.  Yep, been there. Done all that.  Didn’t need to do it again. And even after sleeping through most of the evening I can honestly say this year’s election night celebrations were just what I needed. 

Monday, October 29, 2012


Whoever came up with the name Frankenstorm deserves a raise. 

The meteorologists at the Weather Channel have been tracking this storm for what seems like weeks.  Each day they were talking about the horrible mess it was going to create and speculating which model path would be correct.  I didn’t give it much thought and the only stocking up we did was pick up some extra firewood. We joked at work on Friday about how lovely it would be to have the day off on Monday since we unfortunately didn’t have a single snow day in DC last year.  But my doubts were high.  I figured it would be another hyped up East Coast storm that didn’t amount to anything but a few sprinkles and some knocked over lawn chairs.

Yesterday as we were standing in the check out line at the grocery store we received word the Federal Government announced it would be closed on Monday.  I’m not ashamed to say I gave a cheer and did a little dance.  Yes I got some stares.  In my mind even if the storm didn’t add amount to anything, I still received a three-day weekend without taking a vacation day.  Ah life is grand.

Fast forward to this morning when I woke up and looked outside thinking there would be snow.  After all, it’s a day off due to inclement weather and that typically means snow.  Nope, just rain.  And wind. Nick had left for work hours earlier so after making myself some breakfast I headed out to the store to get some bare necessities- cinnamon rolls, Jelly Belly Sours….and ingredients to make dinner for tonight.  Surprisingly the store shelves were pretty well stocked and I got everything on my list.

I will say this has been one of the most productive days I’ve had in weeks.  My house is cleaner then it has been in, well, awhile, the last load of laundry is in the dryer and my mom’s vegetable beef soup recipe is simmering on the stove. And we received word that the government, and my office, is closed again tomorrow.  I will celebrate in approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes when Nick gets home safely from work.  Tonight I’m looking forward to building a fire and filling my tummy with warm, delicious soup.  Maybe even kicking Nick’s butt at Rummikub.  What I’m not looking forward to is the wind gusts of up to 80-90 mph and pelting rain against the windows.  There are a lot of tall trees around our house and yes, I’m worried one is going to come crashing through out roof. 

As for tomorrow?  I have no idea. Except that it will start with cinnamon rolls.  It’s another bonus day and I actually don’t have anything on my ‘To Do’ list.  Ok ok I may have one or two tiiiiny things. But the good news is it also happens to coincide with Nick’s scheduled day off so we will be enjoying whatever we decide to do together. 

So all I can say for right now is thank you Franken-Storm-Ageddon.  Well, that is until we lose power. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Complete and Utter Distain for Chocolate Chip Cookies

It should be no surprise to anyone that has read my blog that I love to bake.  Give me an excuse, or no excuse at all, and I will be more than happy to whip up a tasty treat. With one exception.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am here today to profess my complete and utter distain for an American favorite: the chocolate chip cookie.

Now, I know what you’re thinking.  “Nestle Tollhouse commercials show the perfect family making cookies together with a smile on their faces and enjoying every second.” Well, I’m here to set the record straight. 

This afternoon I received a text from Nick saying one of the firefighters he mentored passed a big test.  Fantastic news!  Nick had told him the day before that if he passed, I would bake his favorite dessert.  Nick’s station is no stranger to my culinary skills.  I love baking for them and it’s always appreciated. So when I got the text bearing the good news I asked what I was making.  He said the unthinkable…chocolate chip cookies.  I asked Nick if his fellow firefighter would change his mind and rattled off a list of other baked goods I had perfected.  But alas, chocolate chip cookies it was.

I got home and went straight to the kitchen. The dough turned out fantastic and the cookies became a lovely golden brown.  They looked picture perfect. Well, that is until I had to take them off the cookie sheet.  For some reason or another, every.single.time. I make these freaking cookies they fall apart from the center out.

I am the first to admit that I have slight OCD when baking because in my mind, if the end result looks like a crumpled mess, no one is going to eat it. (I secretly blame my 4-H days).  I ended up getting so frustrated with the half dozen destroyed cookies that I tossed spatula into the sink, grabbed the bowl of cookie dough and a spoon and sat down at the table to drown my sorrows.  Nick and his patience were able to successfully get the cookies off the sheet without doing too terribly much damage.  That’s why we make a good pair.  BUT I don’t get it!  Why don’t these stupid cookies just come out in one piece just like every other cookie I make?  Why do these have to be so difficult? And WHY do these have to be the favorite of not one, but TWO firefighters at Nick’s station.  Ugh…

In the end about three dozen decently looking cookies were packed up to be brought in to the station in the morning. Yes I survived but that doesn’t mean I like these cookies any better.  In fact, I may hate them even more as I lay curled up in a ball on our couch simultaneously wanting to get sick from eating about 5 cookies worth of dough and craving a little more.  Damn these cookies anyway. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Old Standby

When I first moved to DC my sister Rachel and I shared the cutest apartment in a fantastic neighborhood called Fairlington.  Every weekend without fail we had a routine of bran muffins with fruit on one day and cinnamon rolls with fruit on the other.  We also threw in the occasional Dunkin Donuts. The first time my sister said she was making these muffins I was not all that excited.  It's bran for crying out loud!  Aren't those for people, you know, our grandparents' age? But all it took was one time and I was hooked.

Nick and I have kept a somewhat similar rotation but now we've also added in Panera and Starbucks which are both just a quick walk down the street from our house.  Yes, it gets us in trouble.  And it's expensive.  This morning I went to my kickboxing class and Nick went for a 24 mile bike ride so we both worked up a nice appetite.  Since we've both been traveling quite a bit we decided to go for our old standby bran muffins and fruit.

The recipe used to be on the box of Kellogg's Bran Cereal but since it isn't there anymore, I thought I'd share.  Don't let the bran name fool you. Trust me, these things are awesome....and addictive.  I've made these so many times I don't even need the recipe anymore. Enjoy!

1 1/4 cups All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup Sugar
1 tablespoon Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon Salt
2 cups Kellogs All Bran Cereal
1 1/4 cups Skim Milk
1 Egg
1/4 cup Vegetable Oil

Mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  Set aside.

In a large bowl, combine All Bran cereal and milk.  Let stand for about 2 minutes (this softens the cereal).

Add egg and oil.  Beat well.

Add flour mixture stirring only until combined.

Portion evenly into 12 muffin cups that have been coated with cooking spray.

Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Serve warm....with butter :-).